Saturday, July 26, 2008

Do You Ever Wonder

What people really think of you, and how you seem in their eyes? I wonder about this alot. On facebook, my high school class has a facebook group, and once in a while, I will get requests from people in the group, since I'm in it too. When these people add me, I wonder "What do they think about me just from my profile?" And then I go into times of deep thinking. As of late, I have been watching what I say, who I say things to, and how I say things. It's hard for me to trust one of my very best friends, just because of the way she is. Don't get me wrong, she's a good friend and all, just un poco(a little) two-faced, and quite frankly, I don't really need that. I've been careful not to talk about other people(which is WAY easier said than done).

Finally, I'm acutally trying my mid-years resolutions.


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